Graeme DevineFeb 9, 2021Not a productive day!!Arrgh. Not a very productive day. Which I feel terrible about. Sorry! I worked on the pipeline for pose passthrough. Reading the overview...
Graeme DevineFeb 7, 2021I love writing HTML... Greeting Wizards! Well super close and exciting super bowl game for the ad ratings. Today I started to work on the WebRTC work to pipe...
Graeme DevineFeb 5, 2021Another Productive Day!Lots done today. We now have and as streaming demo URLs live and working (well,...
Graeme DevineFeb 4, 2021Productive Day!Got plenty accomplished today. The quick version, we’re now just serving HTTP on the stack, using ACM + ALB and offloading the HTTPS to...
Graeme DevineFeb 3, 2021Metropolis Robot TestFour deploys to AWS today, starting number five. Each one takes about an hour. Number four lost the sound stream and instances don’t...